“I want to work here.”

Feeling happy after an amazing lesson!

Feeling happy after an amazing lesson!

This fellow is a hard worker. He comes in and sharpens the pencils, makes sure the iPads have full charge and gets the workspace ready for a good lesson. He is eager to do his best and does extra work at home!

When you see his neat printing now you would think it’s always been that way. He broke all his bad habits- letting letters float in the air or fall below the line, starting letters from the bottom and making them small, tall and everything in between. And his reading! We are keeping track of how much he can read at each lesson. He is blowing away his old scores and coming back for more! Today we looked over his list of sight words and had a little chuckle about how some of the words used to be so hard and now they are SO EASY!

You may think that having extra reading lessons is ”too much” for your child- I think it’s the other way around!


10 years of Growing a Love of Learning